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Cyrus Hall Cyrus Hall

Press Release: Speaker Emerita Pelosi, SF Democratic Party endorse Prop L: Fund the Bus

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and the San Francisco Democratic Party have endorsed Prop L, a local measure to fund Muni operations. They join a broad and growing list of endorsers including State Senator Scott Wiener, CA-15 U.S. Representative Kevin Mullin, eight members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, both the Alice B. Toklas and Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Clubs, SF YIMBY, League of Pissed Off Voters, Transport Workers Union Local 250A, and Teamsters Joint Council 7.

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Kat Siegal Kat Siegal

Press Release: Initiative Measure to Fund Muni Qualifies for the November Ballot

On July 25th the ComMUNIty Transit Act was officially certified by the San Francisco Department of Elections to appear in the November 5, 2024 election. San Francisco voters will now decide at the ballot whether to raise funds for Muni service by imposing a new 1-4.5% gross receipts tax on ride-hail companies such as Uber, Lyft, and Waymo.

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Lian Chang Lian Chang

Press Release: Community Advocates Submit Signatures to Place Measure to Fund Muni on November Ballot

On Friday morning, volunteer transit advocates carried twenty boxes, painted to look like Muni buses and containing 17,879 signatures, to City Hall to qualify their grassroots measure for the November election. Wearing campaign t-shirts with the slogan “Fund the Bus” and chanting “bus, bus, bus” when a 49 Van Ness was spotted, the group of about forty-five transit supporters was in high spirits as their convoy wound its way through Hayes Valley from a storage unit to the steps of City Hall.

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Lian Chang Lian Chang

We’ve gathered enough signatures to qualify for the ballot!

We’re overjoyed to share that we’ve now gathered over 17,500 signatures from San Franciscans who want to fund Muni! This exceeds our goal of 16,000. We need just over 10,000 valid signatures from registered San Francisco voters and our sizable buffer will help ensure that the ComMUNIty Transit Act gets on the November ballot.

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Lian Chang Lian Chang

Press Release: Community Advocates Introduce Ballot Measure to Fund Muni

Community advocates for public transit have introduced the “The ComMUNIty Transit Act,” an initiative measure to increase funding for public transportation in San Francisco. After receiving a ballot title and summary from the City Attorney on Friday April 19th, supporters of the measure will soon begin gathering petition signatures to qualify the measure for San Francisco’s November 2024 ballot.

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