SPUR recommends Yes on L: “Critically needed, ongoing funding for transit”
SPUR recommends Prop L in its November 2024 Voter Guide. The influential nonprofit public policy organization wrote that Muni “is facing a severe operating deficit and is running out of both options and time to avoid cutting transit service.”
The recommendation continues, ”Muni serves many low-income riders, seniors, and people with disabilities. Failing to close the funding gap will harm the city’s most disadvantaged populations. Prop. L would provide approximately $25 million in critically needed, ongoing funding for transit operations, starting as early as 2025.”
“Prop. L would provide approximately $25 million in critically needed, ongoing funding for transit operations, starting as early as 2025. ”
The recommendation includes the below chart showing Muni’s ridership recovery since the pandemic, and revenue projections until 2026, showing a sharp decline starting within months.
SPUR explains that the transit agency “has few ways to generate operating revenue, in part because operations cannot be funded by bond measures,” and that two recent state-level efforts have failed. In contrast, “Prop. L is one of few opportunities to raise funds for transit service in coming years.”
”San Francisco’s fees and taxes on ride-hail platforms are lower than those in other major cities in the country, “ wrote SPUR, which published the below table showing that even with Prop L, San Francisco’s ride-hail taxes will be lower than in other cities such as Chicago and New York.
SPUR’s ballot recommendations are non-partisan and based on expert analysis and extensive research, and the Yes on L campaign is delighted that SPUR is recommending a Yes vote on Prop L.
Read SPUR’s full recommendation of Prop L here.